Perfect gift for the holidays and stocking stuffers.
Bomb your garden with a great mix of native wildflower and grasses! Best suited in sunny areas. Perfect for throwing in hard to reach areas as well!
Easy to grow and it will attract a significant number of songbirds and pollinators.
By buying the seed bombs you are supporting our inclusive workforce develompment program.
Native Seed Mix Includes:
Little Bluestem
Virginia Wildrye
Purple Coneflower
Partridge Pea
Lanceleaf Coreopsis
Blackeyed Susan
Blue Vervain
Golden Alexanders
Oxeye Sunflower
Tall White Beardtongue
Roundhead Lespedeza
Swamp Milkweed
Butterfly Milkweed
Wild Senna
Heath Aster
New England Aster
Common Milkweed
Blue False Indigo
Browneyed Susan
Wild Bergamot
Gray Goldenrod
Zigzag Aster
White Goldenrod
Early Goldenrod
Native Seed Packets are created by children within Howard County Schools in partnership with HCPSS Student Employment Training Programs. Proceeds go to fund their program for ongoing environmental activities.