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Deer Resistant Meadow Mix Native Seed Packet


One seed packet covers approximately 30 square feet of garden. Some of the flower seeds are tiny, so it spreads farther than it looks like it would. Keep an eye out.


Attracts butterflies, pollinators, songbirds, hummingbirds.


Where possible, seeds are local ecotypes.


Planting Instructions: Scatter seeds and gently press into soil, roll over them, or gently step on them to secure into place, and optionally cover with a light layer of straw. Alternate option cover in 1/4" of soil without pressing seeds into soil. Optional compost. Water when dry. Do not stratify.


Mix Includes:

  • Little Bluestem ('Prairie View' IN Ecotype) - Schizachyrium scoparium

  • Virginia Wildrye (Madison NY Ecotype) - Elymus virginicus

  • Purple Coneflower - Echinacea purpurea* **Native to OH, ON, NC not MD but not invasive, long bloom time, and very beneficial to birds and pollinators, while surviving dry to flooding tough conditions. The native Echinacea laevigata has been wiped out of Maryland due to human activity so long ago it's no longer classified as even being native to MD anymore. If we could get its seeds in bulk we would. This is the next best thing.

  • Sideoats Grama (Butte cultivar) - Bouteloua curtipendula

  • Lanceleaf Coreopsis - Coreopsis lanceolata

  • Blackeyed Susan - Rudbeckia hirta

  • Tall White Beardtongue (PA Ecotype) - Penstemon digitalis

  • Butterfly Milkweed (PA Ecotype) - Asclepias tuberosa

  • Oxeye Sunflower (PA Ecotype) - Heliopsis helianthoides

  • Golden Alexanders (PA Ecotype) - Zizia aurea

  • Roundhead Lespedeza (RI Ecotype) - Lespedeza capitata

  • Marsh Blazing Star (PA Ecotype) - Liatris spicata

  • Wild Senna (VA & WV Ecotype) - Senna hebecarpa

  • Blue False Indigo (Southern WV Ecotype) - Baptisia australis

  • Purple Lovegrass (RI Ecotype) - Eragrostis spectabilis

  • Aromatic Aster (PA Ecotype) - Symphyotrichum oblongifolium

  • Browneyed Susan (WV Ecotype) - Rudbeckia triloba

  • Wild Bergamot - Monarda fistulosa

  • Gray Goldenrod (PA Ecotype) - Solidago nemoralis

  • Heath Aster (PA Ecotype) - Symphyotrichum pilosum

  • Zigzag Aster (PA Ecotype) - Symphyotrichum prenanthoides

  • Hoary Mountainmint - Pycnanthemum incanum

  • White Goldenrod (PA Ecotype) - Solidago bicolor

  • Hairy Beardtongue - Penstemon hirsutus

  • Early Goldenrod (PA Ecotype) - Solidago juncea


Native Seed Packets are created by children within Howard County Schools in partnership with HCPSS Student Employment Training Programs. Proceeds go to fund their program for ongoing environmental activities. 

Deer Resistant Meadow Mix Seed Packet

SKU: DrPack
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