Our new property, a hub for conservation, restoration, growth, and community impact.
14270 Burntwoods RD, Glenwood, MD, 21738
Holly Hills is open by appointment or for special events only.
about holly hills

For the past year, Lori Lilly, Founder and Executive Director of EcoWorks, has been tirelessly working to acquire a new property for our organization. After months of planning, fundraising, and overcoming challenges, we are excited to announce the acquisition of a 16-acre property in Glenwood, MD!
This new property purchase will allow us to centralize our operations, expand our conservation efforts, serve as a green jobs training hub, and expand our nursery operation. We have ambitious plans for this land, and while it will require significant effort to realize our vision, we invite you to celebrate the beginning of this new journey ahead!

Our vision includes:
Rehabilitating the land with sustainable practices and native plants.
Expanding nursery production will include greenhouses so we can grow year round.
Building a central hub that will act as our office and guest center, with the ability to host events and workshops.
We've received so much support and want to thank the Howard County Government and the State of Maryland for grant funding that helped to secure this property. Additional thanks to our Board Members, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball, Brian Shepter, Felix Faccine, Senator Katie Fry Hester, Senator Guy Guzzone, Capital Bank, and Steve Miller from Cummings and Co.!

What We've Done
Fundraise for Property
In 2024 we hosted our annual Soak It Up Fundraiser raising funds and support for Holly Hills.
Purchase Property
In September 2024, Lori Lilly, Founder & Executive Director, secured Holly Hills purchase with the help of the Howard County Government and the State of Maryland for grant funding that secured this property. Additional thanks to our board members, Howard County Executive Calvin Ball, Brian Shepter, Felix Faccine, Senator Katie Fry Hester, Senator Guy Guzzone, Capital Bank, and Steve Miller from Cummings and Co.!
Relocate Operations
In October 2024, we began relocating our operations equipment for our conservation crews from Freetown Farm to Holly Hills. Freetown Farm has served as a location for tools, equipment, storage, and bays for materials for the past 3 years and we are grateful for having had their partnership.
First Clean Up Event
We hosted our first volunteer clean up event on Saturday, Dec, 7th, 2024. Volunteers came to help us remove debris, mulch, and manage the forest in the conservation area!
Fundraise for Water Well
For Giving Tuesday & Year End Giving of 2024 we fundraised for a water well that will support our nursery operations and future building needs at Holly Hills. Our goal was $7,500, and we surpassed this! Additional funds will go to additional building needs at Holly Hills.
What We're Doing
Install a Water Well
Now that we've fundraised for a water well that will support our nursery operations and future building needs at Holly Hills, our next steps involve a location and installing the well with professionals. *Update on March 19th, 2025: we have met with professionals and are still narrowing down potential sites for the well installation.
Relocate Nursery
Currently,our native plant nursery is located behind the Howard County Correctional Facility. Our plans are to eventually relocate to Holly Hills.
Expand Nursery
After relocating, we have a vision to expand our nursery production by adding greenhouses, and possibly growing native trees.
Build Central Hub & Relocate Office
Our vision involves a sustainably built and designed central hub for our offices, as well as a venue to host events and serve as a learning center for our development programs and educational opportunities. As of now, our offices and space for events remain at the NonProfit Collective in Columbia, MD.
Rehabilitate Natural Areas
We are actively working towards rehabilitating the natural areas within the property. This will be an ongoing longterm project that involves restoring the habitat and supporting native plants, trees, and shrubs with conservation efforts.
Our Goal is to raise $7,500 for a water well
We will need a water well installed for our nursery, Seeds of Change, and additional future building needs once our central hub is constructed. This well fits with our goals and vision for a sustainable property that uses local natural resources.
For Giving Tuesday we raised $2,335! And we've succeeded in our goal. Many thanks to our generous donor. We will continue to fundraise for additional developmental projects for Holly Hills. If you would like to donate, it would still benefit Holly Hills.
We've reached our goal!

Goal: $7,500
Raised: $11,518 (153%)

Looking Ahead
At Howard Ecoworks, our mission is to empower communities and diverse workforces to conserve and restore our natural resources for future generations.
For 2025 we aim to plant 1000 trees and install 7,500 square feet of conservation landscaping in and adjacent to urban, underserved areas in the Baltimore region. Through this effort, we will enhance environmental quality and foster community resilience in areas most vulnerable to the impacts of climate change.
In addition, we are looking forward to launching an AmeriCorps program in fall, 2025 to support the region in disaster preparedness and response and the implementation of nature-based solutions.
Thank You!